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Tuesday 17 September 2024

Kubernetes - Namespace

Kubernetes - Namespace

Default namespace created by Kubernetes 

  • kube-system
  • kube-public
  • default

How it is helpful ?

  • These different namespace 
    • can be used by same cluster for DEV and PROD environment.
    • they will have isolated resources between them so that DEV will have their own resource and PROD will have their own resource.
    • they will have their own policies that define who can do what
      • Each namespace has a max limit of resources and are not allowed to use more than its allowed limit. 
      • We can define policy such that for example, while working in DEV environment, we can't modify a resource of PRODUCTION.

Example usage of custom namespace. 

  • Dev
  • Test
  • Prod

How to name resources of a namespace?

  • Same namespace 
    • Resources in same namespace ca access via db-service
  • Different namespace
    • Resources in other namespace can access resources in other namespace via ( say DEV resources via - 

Name details 
  • db-service - Name of the service
  • dev - namespace
  • svc - service
  • cluster.local - domain.
How to create Namspace Or Pod Inside Namespace
  • Create in default namespace
    • kubectl create -f pod-definition.yml -f
  • Create a particular namespace
    • kubectl create -f pod-definition --namespace dev
    • kubectl create -f pod-definition -n dev
  • Create a Namespace
    • kubectl create -f namespace-dev.yaml
    • kubectl create namespace dev
    • Sample Yaml file for Namespace
      • apiVersion: v1
      • kind: Namespace
      • metadata:
        • name: dev
  • Create POD under a namespace through Yaml file
    • apiVersion: v1
    • kind: Pod
    • metadata
      • name: myapp-pod
      • namespace: dev
      • label
        • app: myapp
        • type: front-end
      • spec
        • container:
          • name: nginx-container
          • image: nbinx
  • Accessing Namespace
    • Scenario -1 : Access default namespace
      • kubectl get pods 
      • kubectl get pods --namespace dev
      • kubectl get pods --namespace prod
  • Change the default namespace to namespace = dev
    • kubectl config set-context  $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace dev
    • kubectl get pods  <<<< This will show Pods from namespace = DEV.
    • kubectl get pods --namespace default << To access default namespace
    • kubectl get pods --namespace prod << To access PROD namespace
  • Resource Quota
    • Resources can be limited in a namespace.
      • apiVersion: v1
      • kind: ResourceQuota
      • metadata:
        • name: compute-quota
        • namespace: dev
      • spec:
        • hard:
          • pods: "10",
          • requests-cpu: "4"
          • requests-memory: 5Gi
          • limts-cpu: "10"
          • limits-memory: 10Gi


Thursday 12 September 2024

Kubernetes- Deployment

Kubernetes- Deployment

- Defines how to deploy application in production environment.

  • Old instance running - Multiple Pod having applications are running in production environment.
  • New version of application is available - need to upgrade seamlessly- without any downtime.
    • Rolling update
      • For this we don't want to upgrade all of them at once as this may impact accessibility. 
      • One by one upgrade - And we might want to upgrade one after other.
    • In case of failure - we should be able to rollback the upgrade.
    • Multiple change to environment
      • Ex - Scaling the environment, Modifying resource allocation etc.
      • And this change should be done for all PODS together and then activated for all Pods as the same time.

Kubernetes Deployment

  • Comes at the top of the hierarchy.
    • Comes at top of Pod and Replica Set.
  • Available with
    • Rolling update
    • Undo changes
    • Pause changes
    • Resume changes

How to create deployment

Yaml file 

  • same as ReplicaSet except for change in KIND.

kind: Deployment      << Only change done for Deployment

  name: myapp-replicaset
    app: myapp
    type: front-end

  template:   <<< Here need to provide template for POD. We just to insert metadata + spec section of POD.
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
        name: nginx-container
        image: nginx
  replicas: 3   <<< This is sibling of template
      type: front-end



Tuesday 27 August 2024

Kubernetes Architecture, POD, ReplicaSet & Replica Controller

 Kubernetes Architecture, POD, ReplicaSet & Replica Controller

1. Introduction

What is Node ? 

  •  Node is a machine - Physical or Virtual on which Kubernetes is installed,
  • Node is where containers will be launched by Kubernetes.
What will happen to Nodes in which application is running fails.
  • Application goes down -- Means Kubernetes goes down.
Why do we need to have more than one node OR Why do we need CLUSTER?
  • Because of one node on which Kuberneres is installed goes down then application will also go down. So for redundancy, we need to have more than one node.
  • So we have more than one node grouped together.
    • So even if one node goes down, application is still accessible from other nodes.
Now we have CLUSTER ? 
- So who is managing cluster ? 
- Where is the information about members of clusters stored ?
- How are nodes monitored ?
- When a node failed, how do u move workload of one node to other worked node ?

  • This is the work of Master node. ( M, S, M, F )
    • Manage, Store, Monitor, Failure Handling
When u install Kubernetes, what components are installed?
  •  Api server
    • Acts as Front end for kubernetes
    • User, Management Devices, Command Line interfaces
      • talk to API server to interact with Kubernetes cluster.
  • etcd
    • distributed, reliable key-value storage to store
      • all data used to manage cluster.
      • Also implements locks in the cluster, so that there is no conflict

  • kubelet
    • agent that runs on each node of the cluster.
    • makes sure that conatiners are running on nodes as expected.
  • container runtime
    • Underlying software that run containers.
      • For example - docker.
  • controller
    • Brain behind orchestration.
    • Responds when nodes, containers or end points goes down.
    • Take decision to bringup new containers in case of failure.
  • schedular
    • For distributing work across containers on various nodes.

Master & Worker Nodes

How some node became master and some node became worker nodes ?
- Master node that has 
  •     Kube-API server, becomes master node.
    • All information is stored in KEY-VALUE ( etcd ) store in master.
  • Master also has
    • controller and 
    • schedular
- Worked node has 
  •     kubelet agent, so it becomes worker node.
    • Through kubelet-agent worker node can interact with MASTER.
      • TO provide health information of worker node.
      • And CARRY out instruction from MASTER.

What is kubectl

- This is KUBE command line control
  • kubectl run
    • to install cluster
  • kubectl cluster-info
    • View information about cluster
  • kubectl get nodes 
    • To list all nodes of the cluster

Docker Vs Container


- container solution.


  • kubernetes came to orchestrate docker. and they were tightly coupled.
  • But later Kubernetes provided a layer Container Runtime Interface ( CRI ) that can take into any container solution ex - docker, rkt, as long as they adhere to OCI standard (Open Container standard)
    • This is command line interface (CLI command) for CRI
    • This will work for any container intarface.


Steps - 
- Application is built
- Has been put in docker image
- And Kubernetes can pull the image.

- Deploy APplication
- In the form of containers
- On a set of machines
- That are configured as worker nodes.
- In a cluster

- Kubernetes does not deploy container directly, it has to be put in POD.

Scale up/down
- We can't add new container inside POD
  • We need to create new POD in same node.
  • We can create new POD and new Node.

Concept of multi-container pod
  • POD can have multiple container.
  • But generally they dont have multiple container of same kind
    • We can have hlper container
      • Ex - Processing file, 

YAML with Kubernetes

Creating POD using YAML based configuration file

Command to create a POD

kubectl create -f pod.yml

Mandatory Values in K8 yaml file

- apiVersion
    - Not a KEY/VALUE, we just pass a string
    - API version that we are using to create Kubernetes
        - Example value - v1 , app/v1

- kind 
    - Not a KEY/VALUE, we just pass a string
    - type of objext we are trying to create 
        - Example - POD, Service, ReplicaSet, Deployment

- Metadata
   - This is dictionary.
   - This is data of the object.
       -- Example - Name, Label etc
       -- Here 'name' and labels are dictionary. (have KEY/Value)
    - NAME and IMAGE are sibling
    - Under "MetaData" we can have only "name" and "label"
        - But under "label" we can define any "key". "value" pair.

- Spec
   -  'Spec' is a dictionary, So Add property under it.
   - Below 'spec', there is 'container'. 'container' is also a list/array 
         - because there can be multiple containers in a pod.
         - So first element in a list indicate that it is first item in the list ( - name )
   - Here name & spec is element inside 'container'

Replica Sets / Replica Controllers.

Replica Controllers

- Are the brain behind Kubernetes
- Have processes that
    - Monitor Kubernetes objects
    - And manage accordingly.

Question  - What is a replica and why do we need replication-controller ?

  •     Suppose we have a node + POD + Container running our application
  •     What will happen if our application crashes ?
  •     So users will no longer to access our application.


 - If we don't want any disruption, we will need to have multiple POD so that there will not disruption. Even if one fails, other POD will still be accessible.

    Replication Controller 

  •   helps running multiple instance of same POD in a Kubernetes cluster.
Two reasons for Replication Controller
  • High Availability
    •   And so it provides high availability.
    •   So if one pod goes down, replication controller quickly instantiates another pod.

  • Load Balancing
    • If demand increases, replication controller creates Pods
      • On same Node
      • Or No multiple Nodes.

Two terms - Replication Controller vs Replica Set

There is minor difference between both but more or less they are same.
  • Replication Controller - older way
  • Replica Set - newer way.

How to create Replication Controller - using Yaml file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Replication Controller

  name: myapp-rc
    app: myapp
    type: fromt-end

spec spec defines what in inside the KIND. As POD is inside Replication Controller. So provide template of the Pod.
  template:   <<< Here need to provide template for POD. We just to insert metadata + spec section of POD.
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
        name: nginx-container
        image: nginx

But we have something still missing. 

  • We have not specified how many PODs to be created? 
  • Or how many replicas of POD to be available all the time?
  • Solution : Add 'replicas: 3
apiVersion: v1
kind: Replication Controller

  name: myapp-rc
    app: myapp
    type: fromt-end

spec:   spec defines what in inside the KIND. As POD is inside Replication Controller. So provide template of the Pod.
  template:   <<< Here need to provide template for POD. We just to insert metadata + spec section of POD.
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
        name: nginx-container
        image: nginx
replicas: 3   <<< This is sibling of template

How to create ReplicaSet - using Yaml file.

apiVersion: apps/v1    << Note for ReplicationController this is - v1
kind: ReplicaSet

  name: myapp-replicaset
    app: myapp
    type: front-end

  template:   <<< Here need to provide template for POD. We just to insert metadata + spec section of POD.
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
        type: front-end
        name: nginx-container
        image: nginx
replicas: 3   <<< This is sibling of template
selector:           << Only got replicaSet
    type: front-end


Defines which POD fall in it.We can define multiple labels.

  • Can have labels of PODS define in the same definition
  • Can have labels defined somewhere else.

Labels & Selectors

  • Monitor POD of specified LABEL specified as part of matchLabels
  • Always keep the 3 replicas of the POD instance.
  • ReplicaSet is 'process' that monitors the PODS and if any POD fails, it creates new POD.

How ReplicaSet knows which POD to monitor ?

  • This is done by labels provided as part of matchLabels.

How to change replicas ?

Two commands
  • replace
  • scale


Friday 7 October 2022

8. Data Analysis - Visualization with Matplotlib

 Basic line plot

%matplotlib notebook -- to create visualization in jupyter notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

X = np.arange(10)

Create figure and Plot in two lines

1. Create Figure

fig = plt.figure()

2. Create Plot and add plot to figure

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)  --- 2 rows, 2 column and we are selecting 1st plot.

Without creating subplot ( plt.plot)

fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(np.random.rand(50), 'k-') -- It will go to rightmost bottom.

Creating figure and axis in the same line.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3)

Creating same X and Y axis for all subplots.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True)

Remove space between subplots.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0)

Adding color and linestyle.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0, linestyle ="--" , color ='r')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0, "r--") -- short form.

Add Marker

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0, linestyle ="--" , color ='r', marker = "o")

Connecting 2 dots

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0, linestyle ="--" , color ='r', marker = "o", drawstyle="steps-post") -- steps-pre/steps-mid/steps

Add label

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3, sharex=True, sharey = True, wspace =0, hspace=0, linestyle ="--" , color ='r', marker = "o", drawstyle="steps-post", label="line")

X and Y axis label

fig = plt.figure()
ax1= fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ticks = ax1.set_xticks([0,10,20,30])
labels = ax1.set_xticklabels(["zero,", "ten","twnety","thirty"])

Change orientation and size of the X labels

fig = plt.figure()
ax1= fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ticks = ax1.set_xticks([0,10,20,30])
labels = ax1.set_xticklabels(["zero,", "ten","twnety","thirty"], rotation = 90, fontsize="large")

X-axis label, Title



veritical barplot["Car", "Truck", "Bus", "Auto"], [10,20,30,40]) -- Categorical + numeric data

horizontal bar plot

ax1.barh(["Car", "Truck", "Bus", "Auto"], [10,20,30,40]) -- Categorical + numeric data


ax1.hist(X, bin = 50)

pie chart

ax1.pie([10,20,30], labels=["car", "bus", "truck"])

scatter plot

ax1.scatter(x,y, marker="^", color="g")

Box/Violon plot



Thursday 6 October 2022

1. Python Machine learning - Regularized Linear Model

Linear Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression     
lin_reg = LinearRegression(), y)
print(lin_reg.intercept_, lin_reg.coef_)

Polynomial Regression

Transform to polynomial feature

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
poly_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree =2, include_bias=False)
X_poly = poly_features.fit_transform(X) --- X_poly will have two terms - degree =1 and degree 2

Now use Linear Regression

lin_reg = LinearRegression(), y)
print(lin_reg.intercept_, lin_reg.coef_)

Training and test error

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def plot_learning_curves(model, x, y):
      X_train, X_val, Y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2)
      train_error, val_errors = [], []
      for m in range(1, len(X_train)):
   [:m], y_train[:m])
             y_train_predict = model.predict(X_train[:m])  -- no of sampling of training is changing from 1 to len(X_train)
             y_val_predict = model.predict(X_val) -- always taken for all validation samples.
              train_errors.append(mean_squared_error(y_train[:m], y_val_predict[:m]))
              val_errors.append(mean_squared_error(y_val, y_val_predict))

plt.plot(np.sqrt(train_errors, "r-+", linewidth=2, label="train"))
plt.plot(np.sqrt(val_errors, "b-+", linewidth=2, label="validation"))           

Using Pipeline

from   sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

polynomial_regression = Pipeline ([
                                           ("poly features", PolynomialFeatures(degree=10, include_bias=False)),
                                           ("lin reg", LinearRegression())
plot_learning_curve(polynomial_regression, X, y)

Gradient Regression

Batch Gradient Descent

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Mini Batch Gradient Descent

Ridge Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
ridge_reg = Ridge(alpha=1, solver="cholesky"),y)

Lasso Regression ( Lest Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Regression )

from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
lasso_reg = Lasso(alpha = 0.1), y)

Elastic net

from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
elastic_net = ElasticNet(alpha=0.1, l1_ratio=0.5),y)


Tuesday 4 October 2022

7. Data Analysis - Data Aggregation & Grouping

 Split, Apply, Combine


  • X["Values1"].groupby([X["Keys1"]]).mean() -- Mean of "Values1" based on Keys = "Key1"
  • X["Values1"].groupby([X["Keys1"],X["Keys2"]]).mean()
  • X.groupBy["Keys1"].mean()
  • X.groupBy(X["Keys1"], X["Keys2"]).mean()


  • X.groupBy(X["Keys1"], X["Keys2"]).size()

GroupBy Clause with FOR Loop

  • for name, group in X.groupby([["Key1"]])
    • print (name)
    • print(group)

Accessing each group in dictionary key

  • dict(list(X.groupby([["Key1"]])))

Extracting based on column

  • X.groupby(X.dtypes, axis =1) -- column will be seperated based on data types.

Column Grouping

  • Create a mapping from column to grouping
    • mapColumns={'a':'Group1', 'b':'Group1', 'c':'Group2', 'd':'Group2', 'e':'Group3', 'f':'Group3'}
  • X.groupby(mapColumns, axis=1).mean()

Passing Lambda function in groupby

  •  X.groupby(lambda x:x<'c', axis =1).mean() -- Two group will be created with TRUE/FALSE column.

Aggregate function

  • def max_min(x)
    • return x.max() - x.min()
  • X.agg([max, min, max_min]) -- For each column min, max, max_min function will be called.

Aggregate function with groupby

  • X1 = X.groupby(["key1"]) -- Will create dataframe for each groups in "key1"
  • X1.agg(min, max, max_min)) -- Will apply aggregate function for each of that column.

Aggregate function with custom defined column name

  • X1.agg(("Maximum", max),("Minimum", min),("Maximum_Minimum",max_min))

GroupBy with Apply

  • X.groupby().apply(fName)
  • X.groupby(["key1"]).apply(lambda x: x.min())  -- Passing lambda function, User defined function can also be applied.
GroupBy with Apply with passing arguments to function
  • def minimumFb(X, x):
    • return(X.max()-X.min() > x)
  • X.groupby(["key1"]).apply(minimumFb(10))

Apply function with bucket analysis

  • quartiles = X.cut(X.Values1, 2)
  • X.groupby(quartiles).apply(lambda x:x.min())

Pivot Table

  • X.pivot_table(values="AvgSizeOfTrip" , index = "Gender" , columns="Group" )

Pivot table with aggregation

  • X.pivot_table (values="AvgSizeOfTrip" , index = "Gender" , columns="Group", aggfunc=np.sum)
  • X.pivot_table (values="AvgSizeOfTrip" , index = "Gender" , columns="Group", aggfunc={"Col1":np.sum, 'Col2':np.mean}) - different column with different operation.

Pivot table with count

  • pd.crosstab(X.gender,  -- This just counts the frequency.


6. Data Analysis - Data Wrangling

 Hierarchical Indexing in Pandas Series

  • Create multi level indexing in pandas series
    • pd.Series(np.random.rand(9), index=[['a','b','c','d','a','b','c','d','a'],[1,2,4,4,5,2,7,8,8]],)
  • Access the values
    • X['a']  -- using exact index
    • X[:, 1]  -- using slice
    • X['a':'b', 1] -- using slice
  • Access Index
    • X.index  -- return tuple
  • Changing multi level indexing to row/col 
    • X.unstack()   -- to row/col representation.
    • X.unstack(level = -1) -- first level index will be ROW and second level index will be column
    • X.unstack(level=0) first level index will be Column and second level index will be row
  • Changing dataframe to single pandas series
    • X.stack() -- to multi level index, row will become 1st level index and column will become second level index.
Hierarchical indexing in Pandas Dataframe
  • Create multi level indexing for both row and columns
    • X=pd.Series(np.random.rand(9, 6), index=[['a','b','c','d','a','b','c','d','a'],[1,2,4,4,5,2,7,8,8]],
    •                                                 columns=[["col1","col1","col2","col2","col3","col3"],['c1','c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6']])
  • Access name of rows and columns
    • X.index.names
  • Access row/column values
    • X.loc[["row1"],[["col1", "col2"]]]

Swap multilevel index

  • X1.swap_level(['Row", "Row2"])  -- Row1 and Row2 will interchange.

Sort index

  • X1.sort_index(level=0)
  • X1.sort_index(level=1)

Aggregation of data

  • X1.sum(level = 'Row1')  -- Summation for Row1
  • X1.sum(level - 'Row2')
  • X1.sum(level = "ColName1", axis =1) -- Summation for Colname1
  • X1.sum(level = "ColName2", axis =1)

Changing column to index

  • X.set_index(['b', 'a']) 
  • X.set_index(['b', 'a'], drop=False)

Change index to column

  • X.reset_index()

Merging data sources

If have common column - INNER JOIN

  • pd.merge(df1, df2 ) -- should have common column and other column are arranges as seperate column. (OR)
  • pd.merge(df1, df2, how="inner")
If does not have common column
  • pd.merge(df1, df2 , left_on="lkey") 
  • pd.merge(df1, df2 ,  right_on="lkey1") 


  • pd.merge(df1, df2, how="outer")  -- INNER JOIN + uncomon element.


  • pd.merge(df1, df2, how="left")  -- INNER JOIN + uncommon element of left dataframe
  • pd.merge(df1, df2, how="right")  -- INNER JOIN + uncommon element of right dataframe.

It is possible to have more than one column as key.

  • pd.merge(df1, df2 ,  right_on=["lkey1", "lkey2"]) -- 


  • pd.concatenate([X, Y], axis=1) -- merged side by side
  • pd.concatenate([X,Y], axis =0) -- stacked top to bottom.
  • pd.concatenate([X,Y], ignore_index=True) - is stacked top to bottom ignoring matching of row index and pandas creates own index like 0,1,2 etc
  • pd.concatenate([X,Y], ignore_index=False) - existing index names of original dataframe is retained.

Combining two dataframe to fill missing values

  • X1.combine_first(X2) -- Value of X2 will be used to fill the NAN value in dataframe = X1.

Pivot and Melt function

  • X.pivot(index="c1", columns="c2", value = "col3") -- 'c1' becomes ROW, 'c2' becomes column and 'col3' becomes value across 'c1' and 'c2'
  • X.pivot(index="c1", columns="c2", value = ["col3","col4"])  -- 'col3' and 'col4' values are stacked side by side in the o/p

Melt function

  • pd.melt(X, ["col1"]) -- Three column comes -- "col1", variable(name of all other columns.), values (value of all other columns.)

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