Hierarchical Indexing in Pandas Series
- Create multi level indexing in pandas series
- pd.Series(np.random.rand(9), index=[['a','b','c','d','a','b','c','d','a'],[1,2,4,4,5,2,7,8,8]],)
- Access the values
- X['a'] -- using exact index
- X[:, 1] -- using slice
- X['a':'b', 1] -- using slice
- Access Index
- X.index -- return tuple
- Changing multi level indexing to row/col
- X.unstack() -- to row/col representation.
- X.unstack(level = -1) -- first level index will be ROW and second level index will be column
- X.unstack(level=0) - first level index will be Column and second level index will be row
- Changing dataframe to single pandas series
- X.stack() -- to multi level index, row will become 1st level index and column will become second level index.
Hierarchical indexing in Pandas Dataframe
- Create multi level indexing for both row and columns
- X=pd.Series(np.random.rand(9, 6), index=[['a','b','c','d','a','b','c','d','a'],[1,2,4,4,5,2,7,8,8]],
- columns=[["col1","col1","col2","col2","col3","col3"],['c1','c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6']])
- Access name of rows and columns
- X.index.names
- X.columns.name
- Access row/column values
- X.loc[["row1"],[["col1", "col2"]]]
Swap multilevel index
- X1.swap_level(['Row", "Row2"]) -- Row1 and Row2 will interchange.
Sort index
- X1.sort_index(level=0)
- X1.sort_index(level=1)
Aggregation of data
- X1.sum(level = 'Row1') -- Summation for Row1
- X1.sum(level - 'Row2')
- X1.sum(level = "ColName1", axis =1) -- Summation for Colname1
- X1.sum(level = "ColName2", axis =1)
Changing column to index
- X.set_index(['b', 'a'])
- X.set_index(['b', 'a'], drop=False)
Change index to column
- X.reset_index()
Merging data sources
If have common column - INNER JOIN
- pd.merge(df1, df2 ) -- should have common column and other column are arranges as seperate column. (OR)
- pd.merge(df1, df2, how="inner")
If does not have common column
- pd.merge(df1, df2 , left_on="lkey")
- pd.merge(df1, df2 , right_on="lkey1")
- pd.merge(df1, df2, how="outer") -- INNER JOIN + uncomon element.
- pd.merge(df1, df2, how="left") -- INNER JOIN + uncommon element of left dataframe
- pd.merge(df1, df2, how="right") -- INNER JOIN + uncommon element of right dataframe.
It is possible to have more than one column as key.
- pd.merge(df1, df2 , right_on=["lkey1", "lkey2"]) --
- pd.concatenate([X, Y], axis=1) -- merged side by side
- pd.concatenate([X,Y], axis =0) -- stacked top to bottom.
- pd.concatenate([X,Y], ignore_index=True) - is stacked top to bottom ignoring matching of row index and pandas creates own index like 0,1,2 etc
- pd.concatenate([X,Y], ignore_index=False) - existing index names of original dataframe is retained.
Combining two dataframe to fill missing values
- X1.combine_first(X2) -- Value of X2 will be used to fill the NAN value in dataframe = X1.
Pivot and Melt function
- X.pivot(index="c1", columns="c2", value = "col3") -- 'c1' becomes ROW, 'c2' becomes column and 'col3' becomes value across 'c1' and 'c2'
- X.pivot(index="c1", columns="c2", value = ["col3","col4"]) -- 'col3' and 'col4' values are stacked side by side in the o/p
Melt function
- pd.melt(X, ["col1"]) -- Three column comes -- "col1", variable(name of all other columns.), values (value of all other columns.)
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